Monday, June 30, 2014

What Would You Do for Free?

There is a new Krispy Kreme donut store opening tomorrow about a stone's throw from the New Castle County Airport. And since we only live 4 minutes from that...
My three guys are camping out to be among the first 100 people in line!
(Won't @MilesEvans22 be jealous?!)
EACH wins one dozen donuts per month for a year!
The line could officially start forming at 3:00 pm, so I checked it out around 4:30 pm (when I got off work) and there were only 26 people so far. They were psyched about the idea! Captain helped pack them a cooler, and I made a quick dinner. Martin C offered lawn chairs and wanted to join them. They arrived at just after 6:30 pm and secured slots #34-37.  But they have to campout all night. Dorito says this is just like a No-Sleep-Thursday-Night at Camp Geiger. They have plenty of technology in tow and #KrispyKreme has free wifi.

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